October 22, 2024

Panorama app merges, analyzes data points

Justin McMenamy

TREMONT, Ill. — A new product that provides an unobstructed view of the entire farming operation based on accumulated data and its analysis was launched by Precision Planting.

Panorama allows farmers to easily view maps, input summaries and agronomic data from Precision Planting’s Gen 3 20|20.

The new app, announced during Precision Planting’s Winter Conference, enables farmers to see all of their 20|20 data on their phone, computer or other platform of their choice.

“Our goal, our mission and our passion is the give the grower an unobstructed view of their surroundings from where they stand,” said Justin McMenamy, Precision Planting vice president of disruptive products.

“We want the Panorama experience to be the most transferable information in agriculture so that no matter which platform, no matter where in the industry they are storing three, five or 10 years’ worth of information, we want to make this panoramic so that all of their information is in one place and have an unobstructed view of their surroundings no matter where it is. We don’t want to force them to have to move all of their information.”

Panorama currently has two Application Programming Interface connections — John Deere Operations Center and Climate FieldView.

Users of Precision Planting’s 20|20 who want to further explore an analyze their 20|20 data in either of those two connections can do so by linking the two together. Other API platforms will be available in the future.

“The goal for us with the 20|20 Panorama is to have a seamless experience for viewing in the cab, analyzing and summarizing through the season and then sharing that information after the season as they want to look across their operation at all of their information,” McMenamy said.

One example he gave is using Precision Planting’s Symphony nozzle system and Symphony camera system on applicators. Panorama will give a summary of the products applied and the weed density in a specific location, so that same area can be scouted a week later to see if the herbicide worked.

The Panorama on the combine will summarize all of the input expenses and its conversion to grain. It will include yields by hybrids, soil moisture, weed pressure, organic matter, residue and cation-exchange capacity and use that yield data to determine management for the following year.

“Panorama will have the ability to analyze and to summarize how those input dollars were converted into grain,” McMenamy said. “A yield map is going to tell us where the yield was, but there’s the need to do an analysis to understand why the yield was.”

Larger Monitor

Precision Planting also announced that its 20|20 display is now available at 16 inches and offers two times the widget locations and is perfect for visualizing more data in the cab.

“Farmers want to visualize more data in the field than ever before. With the new 16-inch 20|20 display, they can,” said Justin Vollmer, Precision Planting software engineer.

“Plus, with the latest software release, a grower can mount secondary 20|20 displays wherever it makes the most sense in their cab and interact with them from the comfort of their primary 20|20 display.”

Along with the new display, a new five-port ethernet switch is being beta tested to allow multiple screen combinations in the cab.

“The 16-inch monitor is the largest in-cab monitor in the industry. As growers have more and more technology into their operation and on to each pass, it’s going to give them the ability to view more of that information at one time,” McMenamy said.

“One of our focuses is to bring technology that doesn’t break the bank. That’s one of the cool parts about the 16-inch monitor. The rest of the industry brings out a monitor and every grower thinks that means they have to trade-in the monitor that they already have.

“The way we’ve architected the Gen 3 is we have a display-based module. The brains go under the seat and that 10-inch screen is actually a small part of the cost of bringing the Gen 3 into the cab.

“The 16-inch monitor is compatible with every Gen 3 that has ever been sold all the way back to 2018 when we launched it.

“So, a grower has been using the Gen 3 for three, four, five, six years, and we have provided a way that they can upgrade their experience without having to trade everything in to get something new.”

Tom Doran

Tom C. Doran

Field Editor