Stories about farm equipment
A new nutrient applicator with the ability to spread fertilizer at wider widths, higher rates and faster speed debuted at the Midwest Ag Industries Exposition.
As harvest season approaches in northern Indiana, farmers like Clay Geyer are preparing their equipment and fields for the crucial months ahead.
More than 200 Indiana Farm Bureau members gathered to determine the organization’s policy positions for 2025.
In between fungicide and insecticide applications and replacing a hot water heater at the Humane Society, Aaron Rients and other volunteers are getting ready for the 76th annual Central States Threshermen’s Reunion.
I have a drive shaft problem on one of my Roof Palomino mowers that I’m trying to get it fixed and have it ready to go for the Threshermen’s Reunion.
Wheat is strategically planted on the Rahn farm to provide opportunities for manure applications and tiling projects.
Richard Lyons of Harvel is the recipient of the 2024 Illinois Leopold Conservation Award.
National Farm Safety and Health Week will be observed Sept. 15-21 this year. The theme, “Don’t Learn Safety by Accident,” encourages people to take a proactive approach to safety education.
The 2024 Farm Progress Show will be held Aug. 27-29 at the Central Iowa Expo, 1827 217th Road, Boone, Iowa.
Wintersteiger will present its latest technology designed to meet the needs of agronomists and seed breeders at this year’s Farm Progress Show, Aug. 27-29 in Boone, Iowa.
Providing improved seeds, tools and fertilizer along with training is changing the lives of farmers in Uganda through a project developed by Joe and Nathalie Schmidt.
An all-in-one drone system recently released into the marketplace is among the latest research projects at Precision Technology Institute that focuses on crop scouting.
An agricultural production system that integrates crops and livestock into a single interconnected practice in one field was the top yielder in Precision Technology Institute’s trials last year.
It continues to look fantastic. We just got through one of the coolest and wettest Julys on record for Illinois, so that’s a good combination for crops. Our weather station had about seven and a quarter inches of rain for July.
The old 10-20 gets a second chance as it connects a century of agriculture history and technological advances.
The difference between nitrogen production costs of $3.12 and 4 cents per gallon is lightning in a bottle — literally — for new trials at Precision Technology Institute.
The four Rs of nutrient management can lead to the three “it’s.” Radicle Agronomics from Precision Planting addresses all seven.
Berkeley Boehne harvested an excellent wheat crop in July and his corn and soybean crops also look good at the start of August.
Summer is in full swing on Clay Geyer’s home fields, where he’s on the lookout for — and has already found — some plant diseases and weeds.
What is the condition of your corn and soybean crops and what are your thoughts about the grain markets as we start down the homestretch of the growing season and begin to prepare for harvest?
Led by the “Purple Cancer Eater,” 46 tractors and assorted Gators, four-wheelers and other vehicles paraded through the countryside July 6 for the 20th Sibley Burr Oaks Area Tractor Drive.
Historic Farm Days visitors had the option to “drive” a classic 4020, the newest 9RX or anything in between at a new John Deere mobile simulator.
One of the most fulfilling aspects of serving as Farm Bureau president is getting the chance to witness firsthand the remarkable things our members are doing within their communities.
Back-to-back storms delivered just enough rain to delay a second herbicide application, but plenty of other projects remain on Aaron Rients’ to-do list.
The more we learn about H5N1, the more we understand that good biosecurity is a critically important path to containing the virus.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has technical and financial assistance available to help farmers and livestock producers recover from recent tornadoes, high winds and flooding in Illinois.
Like most southern Illinois farms of my youth, my family had a closet filled with guns.
With planting and harvest completed on his farm for now, Eric Miller has plenty to do as the middle of summer arrives.
It seems like it’s forgotten to rain in the month of June for the last few years. It was great weather for wheat harvest. It was about as easy as a wheat harvest can get because the weather was so warm and dry.
The Waterman Lions Club’s 24th annual Summerfest and Antique Tractor and Truck Show will be Saturday, July 20, at Waterman Lions Park, 420 S. Birch St., Waterman.
Deere & Co. is laying off nearly 600 workers as the farm equipment manufacturer deals with declining demand.
Teens from around the state gathered for the 95th Indiana FFA State Convention, where they took part in workshops, volunteered and were honored for their accomplishments.
Derek Harms hopes to be seeing red when the tractors get ready to pull during Historic Farm Days.
In addition to a special featured tractor each year, new items and events are added to the Historic Farm Days to give those attending lots of things to do during the show set for July 11-14.
Rows of J.I. Case tractors will be on display during Historic Farm Days, including several owned by Dave Berbaum.
New items are added each year to the exhibits at the museum located in the former Penfield school on the showgrounds of the Historic Farm Days, set for July 11-14.
Gene Schmidt will get to enjoy this year’s Historic Farm Days without having to keep tabs on the books.
Farm machinery used over a century ago continues to bind families together across generations.
In the showdown between ground and aerial fungicide applications, planes and drones had a slight edge over ground equipment, according to research from Beck’s Hybrids.
Whether it’s toy tractors, tie rods or tea towels, the vendor show at Historic Farm Days offers something for everyone.
Illini FS and Growmark continue their long-term partnership with Historic Farm Days as the official fuel suppliers to keep the vintage equipment running.
BigIron Auctions provides a modern online platform, but continues to stay close to agriculture’s early roots with its support of the I&I Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Club.
Aaron Rients wears a lot of different hats — farmer, seed dealer, board member and field trialist, among others.
The Stars Over Illinois announcement of the top four FFA members in the state was just one of numerous highlights of the 96th Illinois FFA State Convention held in the state’s capital city.
The clothes we wore, like the crops we worked, marked the seasons on the dairy farm of my youth. Coveralls, for example, suggested winter while, ahem, “cover little” meant the hot, steamy southern Illinois summer.
In the southwest toe of Indiana, 25 miles north of the Ohio River and 12 miles east of the Wabash, the Seib family farm continues its legacy.
During the first two weeks of June, the Rahn family is going in many different directions, including making hay and spraying a second pass of herbicides to control weeds in their crop fields.
Dairy farmers of America, are you and your most photogenic bovine ready for your close-ups?
The winner of the Star in Agricultural Placement award will be announced during the Wednesday afternoon session of the Illinois FFA State Convention starting at 2 p.m.
Agricultural reports across Federal Reserve Districts in the Corn Belt were mixed, as drought conditions eased in some districts, but farm finances and incomes remained a concern.