Agriculture teachers mentor, motivate and make a difference in the lives of their students every day.
Through inquiry-based classroom and hands-on laboratory experiences, agriculture teachers inspire their students to become future entrepreneurs and agriculturalists by developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
AgriNews thanks these teachers for the work they do to prepare the next generation for the future, and life.
We thank them for their long hours of work before the school day starts and after the school day ends.
Agriculture programs teach the science and production of food, feed and fiber, as well as subjects such as natural resources and veterinary science.
Students in agriculture programs learn a wide variety of skills and concepts through these subjects, including science, math, communications, leadership, management and technology.
We wouldn’t be feeding as many people, creating better technologies, curing animal diseases, shaping policy or marketing livestock without the influence of these humble, caring and generous workers. So, we want to say thank you.
Students who entered your classroom, whether they were farm kids or city kids, had their eyes opened to something new.
We hope you enjoy this unique coverage, stories about and photos of ag teachers at all grade levels across the state, as well as notes you wrote and submitted to AgriNews online about your own favorite educators.
Please send us a message at to let us know what you think and if you have an idea of other special farm community efforts that we should consider highlighting.