Farm Bureau news
While recent actions may have led fans — and foes — of biodiesel, including soy biodiesel, to start writing the renewable fuel’s obituary, one biodiesel cheerleader isn’t ready to send flowers.
For nearly three decades, AgriNews and Beck’s have celebrated the dedication and achievements of an outstanding Indiana farm family, spotlighting their exceptional contributions to agriculture and their community.
More than 200 Indiana Farm Bureau members gathered to determine the organization’s policy positions for 2025.
As a father and now a grandfather, one of the most bittersweet moments is watching your kids and grandkids climb onto the bus for the first day of school each year.
As summer presses onward, From the Fields contributor Mark Seib continues balancing farm and family life.
August is here, which means for Farm Bureau, our policy development process is heading into full swing.
Milton Friedman, the patron saint of free markets and a founder of the Nobel-adorned Chicago school of economics, took a very dim view of all tariffs — ours, theirs, anyone’s.
Berkeley Boehne harvested an excellent wheat crop in July and his corn and soybean crops also look good at the start of August.
From a window blind to cell phones, security has changed over time, but keeping crop report data secret until its official release has been the goal for over a century.
Indiana has one of the smallest state agriculture departments in the nation — and Don Lamb would not have it any other way.
Time is running out for Congress to pass a modernized farm bill this year. Families — on and off the farm — cannot afford a delay.
One of the most fulfilling aspects of serving as Farm Bureau president is getting the chance to witness firsthand the remarkable things our members are doing within their communities.
In a recent letter to congressional leadership, more than 500 agricultural groups called for the passage of a new farm bill.
Members of Congress will return home for the traditional August recess. Then after a brief time back in Washington, they will once again be back home to campaign in October.
Indiana Farm Bureau ELECT — the organization’s federal, nonpartisan political action committee — endorsed seven congressional candidates for the 2024 general election.
As soon as the large mahogany door in the congressional building was opened, the farmers were greeted with hellos and handshakes. “Do you want some Indiana popcorn?” the staff in Republican U.S. Rep. Greg Pence’s office proudly asked.
As summer pushes onward, Mark Seib continues raising his crops in southern Indiana, where growth progress is good and the weather has been a wild card.
As a father, grandfather, farmer and man of faith, balance has become a cornerstone of my life. I have come to appreciate how crucial balance is in every aspect.
Berkeley Boehne and his brother, Vaughn, raise corn, soybeans and wheat on their DeKalb County farm, where they also feed pigs and operate a custom manure application business.
Clay Geyer, former From the Fields columnist, is back this year to share updates from his farm in northern Indiana.
Farmers and ranchers are always looking to the future, whether that’s finding ways we can be more innovative and efficient or building up our local communities.
The Fourth of July is a highlight of the year on our family farm. Each summer, my family gets together for a traditional cookout, celebrating our nation with delicious food and the company of loved ones.
On the family farm, there’s a job for everyone, including our furry, four-legged friends. Farm dogs play an important role on the farm and hold a special place in our hearts.
In the southwest toe of Indiana, 25 miles north of the Ohio River and 12 miles east of the Wabash, the Seib family farm continues its legacy.
The story of the newly married couple and their dream of continuing the family farming legacy is a tale of determination and resilience in the face of challenges.
A generous donation of whole and lactose-free milk to local food banks will impact the lives of thousands of Illinois families.
Summer break is just around the corner, but learning is always in season. The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is abuzz with resources, activities and literacy items for learners of all ages.
A peer-to-peer community is available to farmers and their families from across the United States to build farm family wellness.
The need for affordable and dependable health care in rural communities continues to grow in Indiana.
When it comes to the 2024 farm bill, we are at one of those critical points, and if we’re going to reach the finish line, it’s time for Congress to pick up the pace.
Throughout the years I have seen our agriculture community come together during times of need.
Applications are being accepted through May 31 for a unique training course for farmers, advisers and conservation professionals that focuses on the soil health system.
Long before it became a cliché, there were many heroes who never wore capes. I met one: the rail-thin, then-86-year-old Theodore W. Schultz, in his sun-filled, University of Chicago office on a cold, January day in 1989.
May is Mental Health Month. This time is a great reminder for each of us to make sure we are consistently checking in with ourselves, with our friends and family, and beyond our fencerows with our neighbors and community members.
When I first joined Farm Bureau as a young farmer, my goal was simple: to make a positive impact and uplift the lives of my fellow farmers.
Indiana Farm Bureau awarded scholarships to three young women pursuing careers in agriculture.
We’ve had a cold winter across a lot of our state, and I am enjoying spring and all the opportunities the new season brings for family fun and good food.
From iron plows to driverless tractors, new ideas and innovative businesses have continually pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in farming.
There’s not a day that goes by, when farmers aren’t thinking about how to leave the land better than we found it.
Recently, I was asked to describe myself without saying I was a wife or mother and that hit me a bit differently. After all, as parents, it is hard for us to see beyond that.
Illinois Farm Bureau is accepting applications for its Illinois Veterinary Education and Training loan program.
For decades now, farmers and ranchers have been advocating for a solution to our nation’s broken agricultural labor system.
In a country known for its robust agricultural industry, it is disheartening to know just how many people struggle with hunger.
Over the past two decades, a Livingston County farmer traveled to the capitol to meet with legislators and advocate for agriculture.
Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a long list of bills into law at the close of the state’s 2024 General Assembly.
The strength of Farm Bureau shines through when we speak with a united voice on behalf of our farms, ranches and rural communities.
The Rahn family operates a centennial farm in northern Illinois that includes row crops, hay production, cattle feeding and a cow-calf herd.
Many times, while standing on the very land my father and grandfather cultivated, I reflect on how things have changed. From the adoption of new sustainability practices to our approach to livestock management, our farming methods have evolved significantly.
As most of the country leaps forward into daylight saving time and you stumble about in a semi-jetlagged state and reach for that extra cup of coffee, you might be tempted to grumble under your breath and blame farmers.
Illinois landowners could be eligible for $5,000 in free soil analyses and consultation with a University of Illinois research team in exchange for participating in a historic project seeking to learn how soils have changed over 120 years.