October 22, 2024

Fueling your Progress

We can all agree that sometimes, you just need a place to recharge, reconnect and prepare yourself for the road ahead. The Illinois Soybean Association is proud to be providing a space for farmers to do just that at this year’s Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois.

As we did in 2021, ISA will once again be partnering with IL Corn under one roof at the show to feature all the ways our organizations are “fueling progress” for Illinois farmers.

We felt that this theme paid tribute to the Farm Progress Show itself, recognized globally as the first large-scale agricultural event, that has continued to lead the industry in scale and scope for showcasing the best and latest advancements in agriculture for over 70 years.

Likewise, farmers’ checkoff dollars work similarly year after year to allow them to be industry leaders through on-farm advancements, conservation efforts, trade and export markets, and renewable fuels.

At our co-branded, vintage filling station, Farm Progress Show attendees can rest their feet, have a snack and recharge while they learn about all the ways their checkoff dollars are fueling progress through:

Biofuels — Demand for ethanol and biodiesel makes your corn and soybeans more valuable, and we’re working hard to ensure your checkoff investments promote more biodiesel usage and biodiesel blends using more soybean oil.

Sustainable Practices — When it comes to sustainable agronomic practices, farmers shouldn’t have to choose between reducing their environmental footprint and increasing productivity. The Precision Conservation Management program, the premier conservation program of IL Corn and ISA, helps you do both through education and ongoing technical support.

Animal Agriculture — Animal agriculture is the largest consumer of Illinois corn and soy. We’re investing your hard-earned checkoff dollars in programs that support the livestock industry and fuel increased global demand for meat and meat exports.

Trade and Exports — When it comes to trade and exports, our organizations understand that strong export markets help increase crop prices for farmers. From managing relationships with buyers, to strengthening transportation logistics and critical infrastructure, ISA and IL Corn are investing in programs that ensure thriving trade markets for Illinois corn and soybeans.

Consumer Outreach — These days, consumers want to know how their food is grown and raised. Many are surprised to learn that 96% of family farms in Illinois are family owned and operated.

Through Illinois Farm Families, ISA, IL Corn and other partners connect urban consumers directly with Illinois farmers to learn how they are delivering safe and sustainable food production.

But that’s not all ISA has to debut at this year’s Farm Progress Show. This year, ISA has sponsored the installment of a new asphalt pad, created using soy asphalt technology, that will stretch from West Avenue to Central Avenue, covering nearly 43,600 square feet.

The paving project involves 100% recycled asphalt pavement mixed with a soy-based polymer. In addition to the soy asphalt, ISA is also sponsoring the application of a soy-based dust suppressant to the gravel roads within the show site.

The increasing demand for soybean oil comes from new soy uses and technology, which has improved products from plastics and rubber to adhesives, paper and more. For example, by incorporating soy into the asphalt, the product becomes more durable — lengthening its lifetime.

And that’s just the beginning!

Be sure to stop by Booth 605 at the Farm Progress Show Aug. 29-31 to learn how your checkoff investment is providing valuable returns back to your farm and continues to fuel your progress.

Claire Weinzierl is the communications manager of the Illinois Soybean Association.