January 20, 2025

FFA Corner: FFA officers ‘Initiate’ to help members evolve

The 2021-2022 Illinois FFA State Officer Team’s year is coming to a close. We are in the heat of convention planning and we are super-excited to see the streets of downtown Springfield filled with blue corduroy jackets.

However, we can’t help but have bittersweet feelings about this year ending. Some of the biggest milestones in life have a bittersweet taste — from finishing the last day of high school, moving out of your childhood home, or in a FFA member’s case, hanging up your FFA jacket for the last time.

My teammates and I have been able to look back on our favorite parts of the year, ranging from chapter visits, attending the Farm Progress Show, working the barnyard at the Illinois State Fair or attending chapter banquets this last spring. We have all had an amazing year and are proud of the impact we left.

The 2021-2022 Illinois FFA theme is “Initiate” — and that is exactly what we were determined to do.

We wanted to initiate new beginnings for FFA members and initiate new traditions to help our organization and its members to evolve in positive ways.

It was our goal to initiate conversation with others of all ages to advocate for agriculture and open up opportunities for individuals to learn something new.

As we look back on this year, it has been a culmination of gaining new skills, celebrating achievements, implementing new ideas and exploring different parts of the state.

My teammates and I have cherished the time we spent together. We have created workshops, listened to each other’s speeches and informed others about the agriculture industry.

We will always cherish the time we have spent laughing together, going on road trips and making memories that will last a lifetime.

This last year has taught me so much about agriculture, leadership and personal development. However, one of the biggest things I learned is the value of a person and an idea.

We should all take the time to sit down and genuinely listen to each other. Every person has different strengths and weaknesses.

As a leader, it is our job to listen to what others have to say. We can never know what we might learn next.

While my teammates and I feel a little somber about the year ending, we are empowered by the work we have done and are excited about what our next chapter will bring. We all plan to further our education and study in the agricultural field.

I will be attending Illinois Central College in East Peoria to double-major in animal science and agriculture business.

Adam Loker, state president, plans to attend Southern Illinois University Carbondale to major in agricultural communications.

Jaton Shaffer, state vice president, will attend University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to major in agricultural business and marketing.

Gracie Murphy, state secretary, will also be attending SIU Carbondale majoring in agriculture education.

Kara Freebairn, state treasurer, will be attending Lake Land College in Mattoon to major in agriculture education.

We are spending this last month in office creating a great lineup of events and fun entertainment to celebrate and recognize Illinois FFA’s achievements.

We are thrilled to see everyone in Springfield June 14-16 for the 94th Illinois FFA State Convention. Hope to see you there.

Lauren Mohr from the Normal West FFA Chapter is the 2021-2022 Illinois Association FFA state reporter.