July 26, 2024

4 new crop protection products

ORLANDO, Fla. — Corteva Agriscience announced four new crop protection products — three herbicides and a biological — at the Commodity Classic in Orlando.

Here is a look at the four products coming to the market soon for corn, soybeans and cereals.

Enversa Herbicide

Enversa herbicide is going to be a proprietary product that has encapsulated acetochlor, said Aaron Smith, U.S. product manager for soybean and cotton herbicides at Corteva.

“That proprietary encapsulation is designed to drive to the soil to create a long-lasting residual barrier of up to 20 of the toughest weeds that farmers face today, including waterhemp and Palmer amaranth,” Smith said.

“When that product is sprayed onto the soil it will provide that residual barrier and create excellent crop safety. That crop safety then is going to be because of that encapsulated acetochlor.”

Corteva has been working on developing this formulation for nearly a decade to get the right combination of powerful weed control and excellent crop safety, Smith said.

“With the rapid adoption of the Enlist E3 soybean trait, we know that farmers across the United States, especially those in the Midwest, are demanding that technology,” he said. “And, once approved, Enversa will be the residual tank-mix partner of choice for Enlist One.”

But it will be an excellent residual product for non-Enlist soybeans, as well, because it can be applied pre- and post-emerge on all soybean types, Smith added.

“When we think about versatility, Enversa is going to bring additional versatility because it can be applied pre-emerge and post-emerge and it is going to have a wide application window,” he said.

“So, when the weather doesn’t cooperate with farmers, like it happens a lot of years, this product is going to have that additional flexibility to allow farmers to go in and use it wider into the application window.”

Once applied, Enversa will offer up to four weeks of residual control on broadleaves and grasses.

Currently pending registration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it will be labeled on multiple crops, including soybeans, cotton, corn and sorghum — reducing the risk of carryover and plant-back restrictions, Smith noted.

The first sales of the Enversa herbicide are expected in 2024.

Kyro Herbicide

Kyro herbicide is a brand-new, post-only corn herbicide that combines three effective modes of action — acetochlor, clopyralid and topramezone, said Kelly White, U.S. product manager for corn herbicides at Corteva.

“A couple of features that Kyro is going to bring to the market is a really wide application window. It’s going to be able to be applied post-emergence up until 24-inch-tall corn. That is going to be very flexible and provide versatility in a two-pass, overlapping residual program approach,” White said.

“It’s going to have excellent crop safety due to the encapsulation of the acetochlor and provide a really great opportunity to combat weed resistance.”

This combination of these three active ingredients is going to control more than 65 grass and broadleaf weed species.

“When we think about weed resistance, having these multiple modes of action and effective modes of action is going to be really important for farmers,” White said.

Kyro herbicide will have an initial launch in 2023, with a full-scale launch in 2024.

“At the same time, we are launching Resicore XL fully for the 2023 market year,” White added. “Bringing two products to the market in one year is going to provide a lot of opportunities for farmers to combat weed resistance and to have many options moving forward, which is going to be really important for us.”

Utrisha P Biological

Utrisha P allows growers to increase the return of their phosphorus investment by improving below-ground phosphorus availability, said Brandon Emery, U.S. product manager for biologicals at Corteva.

“It does this in two key ways — it increases access and reach,” Emery explained. “It increases access by releasing soil-bound phosphorus to make it plant available. It increases reach by stimulating and increasing root growth to allow the crop to intercept more nutrients like phosphorus, as well as water, improving overall crop health.”

Phosphorus is essential for crops to grow, especially when trying to maximize yield potential. But there are a number of factors that can make phosphorus unavailable to crops in the soil, such as low or high pH.

In addition, phosphorus is not as mobile as other nutrients. So, the crop roots must intercept it to be able to take it up and utilize it throughout the growing season.

“You pair that with the volatile fertilizer costs that we’ve seen over the last few years and Utrisha P is going to allow growers to increase the return of their phosphorus investment,” Emery said.

In 2023, Utrisha P applications will be focused on corn and soybeans, but the biological works with a wide variety of crops, including wheat and specialty crops such as potatoes, tomatoes and strawberries.

There will be a limited supply of Utrisha P in 2023, with a full ramp-up in 2024.

Tolvera Herbicide

With two modes of action, including a new active ingredient for the cereal herbicides market, tolpyralate, Tolvera herbicide will control high-anxiety weeds such as kochia, waterhemp, Russian thistle and green and yellow foxtail, said Breanna Thompson, U.S. product manager for cereals and rice herbicides at Corteva.

“That two modes of action will really bring an additional tool for resistance management and also bring rotational flexibility to keep crops like lentils, peas, canola and potatoes, just to name a few,” she said.

Tolvera herbicide will be available upon EPA registration, which is anticipated before the 2024 growing season.

James Henry

James Henry

Executive Editor