September 17, 2024

Illinois crop progress for the week ending Aug. 11

Illinois crop progress.

There were 6.6 days suitable for fieldwork in the week ending Aug. 11, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service Illinois Field Office. Statewide, the average temperature was 71.4 degrees, 2.4 degrees below normal. Precipitation averaged 0.06 inches, 0.85 inches below normal.

Topsoil moisture supply was rated 2% very short, 18% short, 78% adequate, and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated 2% very short, 18% short, 76% adequate, and 4% surplus.

Corn silking reached 96%, compared to 98% last year, and the five-year average of 97%. Corn dough reached 69%, compared to 67% last year, and the five-year average of 63%. Corn dented reached 18%, compared to 15% last year, and the five-year average of 10%. Corn condition was rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 18% fair, 56% good, and 21% excellent.

Soybeans blooming reached 94%, compared to 94% last year, and the five-year average of 91%. Soybeans setting pods reached 84%, compared to 78% last year, and the five-year average of 69%. Soybeans condition was rated 2% very poor, 6% poor, 20% fair, 54% good, and 18% excellent.

Alfalfa hay third cutting reached 54%, compared to 52% last year.

AgriNews Staff

AgriNews Staff

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