May 13, 2024

Choose the right personal protective equipment for each task

PEOSTA, IOWA — Different types of farm chores involve unique risks.

Choosing the right personal protective equipment can mitigate those risks and prevent injuries.

AgriSafe Network hosted a webinar to address PPE concerns and provide a list of equipment that may be needed for a variety of on-farm activities.

Risk: Organic dust and molds.

PPE: Minimum 2-strap N95 face mask, half face respirator that has been fitted to your specifications and safety glasses.

Risk: Large equipment, such as combines, grain carts or augers.

PPE: Hearing protection, such as ear plugs with Noise Reduction Rating of 25 or above, footwear with good traction, secure shoe laces, no loose clothing that can get caught in equipment, hair pulled back and safety glasses.

Risk: Hand tools.

PPE: Gloves that fit well with good grip, no loose clothing, safety glasses with side protection, hearing protection and respiratory protection as needed.

Risk: Large animals.

PPE: Shoes or boots with good traction, head protection and gloves that fit properly with good grip.

Risk: Heat exposure.

PPE: Sun protective hat, sunscreen with SPF of 30 or more, long sleeved shirts and pants in a cool cotton material or with SPF in them and safety sunglasses with UV protection. Hydrate with water.

Risk: Cold exposure.

PPE: Layered clothing, appropriate footwear with good traction, warm gloves that fit well, sunglasses with UV protection and head covering with ear protection. Hydrate with water.

Learn more about personal protective equipment at, or